Thursday 26 January 2023

Tax Tips For Farmers From Cash Tracks Financial Inc.

Tax Tips For Farming Industry

Get tax tips for farmers from Cash Tracks Financial Inc

How Does The IRS Determine If I Am A Farmer?

How to Avoid the Drought! Taxes for Farmers


Marcelino: Welcome to The Tax Answers Advisor. I am Marcelino Dodge, Enrolled Agent, and we’re on show number 17, and building. Yes, moving forward here. I want to extend a big thank you out to those listening throughout the United States and even around the world to this podcast yes thanks to all in China, Canada, and Colombia. Your listenership to this is certainly appreciated as we try to give you the best information to take care of your US tax returns and help businesses in general to avoid problems.

Feel free to contact me at Cash Tracks Financial or, or even please give me a call 844-394-4287. You can visit me on Facebook at Cash Tracks On Facebook. Updates from the last show just last week, a few different things occurred just a reminder out that with the most recent legislation the employee retention credit that was originally a part of the Cares Act back in March of 2020 that has been extended into 2021 for qualifying employers.

There are some qualifications to be able to take that credit, and we’d be happy to discuss those with you. Also the IRS recently announced or actually gave the reminder that all taxpayers are now eligible to get an IP pin, that is a pin number that would be required in order for you to electronically file your tax return, which was previously to this only available to those who had their identities stolen, but now you can participate in this voluntary program if you so choose which basically what it does is it locks your tax return.

And if anybody tries to e-file it without that pin, it gets rejected by the IRS. To get this IP pin, you go on to and there is an IP pin tool you can use. There is some verification, you have to go through to verify your identity, to be able to even get the pin, but it is there, and you can certainly participate in that program if you would like it sounds like it would be a good deal to help you to continue to protect your identity.

Also, the IRS this week announced that power of attorney can be now submitted online through remote access for tax preparers like myself, and individuals can those can be now submitted which is touchless and makes it very user friendly to be able to look up tax information which I always find useful to use such tools and we’ve used such tools, quite often in this office to help taxpayers to resolve their tax issues.

Keep in mind that Cash Tracks Financial here ready to serve you and help you out with the e-signature and various options available upload documents. We can do web meetings, through Zoom to have a good face to face chat, to really come to understand your situation and to help you to save money and run your business or even individually help you to build up wealth and so on. Because we are here to help you not just preparing your tax return, but helping you to achieve excellent results as these times keep changing and providing solutions to help you to reach your goals.

Going to jump in today’s topic now which is, “Avoiding the Drought, taxes for Farmers.” Yes, some people feel that, well I’m a farmer now because I own farmland, I’m living on a farm, or I’m raising a few crops, or livestock. So, but just because you own farm land, maybe even live on a farm, or even if you are raising a few crops or livestock there, you’re not necessarily a farmer. There are challenges to that, and there are motives, profit motives that have to be determined to see if you even are truly a farmer, or if you’re just trying to take some deductions to be able to offset some other income.

Because there are actually legitimate farmers in business, and then there’s other individuals who are actually doing farming but it is more of a hobby than really a profit motive. So, let’s take a look at what can actually qualify you as a farmer, a big part is, is there a profit motive, while when you go and you do your livestock or you’re raising a few crops are you really conducting that in a business-like manner? Are you looking to make some money with it?

And there are some people who, who actually do this I work with some who have a legitimate farming business on the side, they’re out conducting business in a business-like manner. Buying and selling, raising, buying feed and so on but conducting it in a business-like manner not just trying to get a deduction. And as you conduct business is it indicative of making a profit motive, not just trying to lose money but trying to make money.

And a big one that comes in with this is with a profit motive, just like any business when you’re trying to conduct a business, is what you’re doing necessary for your livelihood. Are you depending on selling of the livestock or selling of the crops that you are raising? Is that part of your income that’s going to support your livelihood? If it doesn’t, if you have it more as a side, if you have a full time job, and you’re doing this, far more as kind of a secondary job.

There may still be a profit motive, but yet it could also still just fall into the hobby category, especially if you’re not fully dependent on it, or dependent on it for a certain extent for making a living and having your livelihood and be able to maintain your lifestyle that can call into question whether there really is a profit motive. Also with the comes to farming are the losses, beyond your control, or is it just normal startup of course losses, a lot of farmers, we have a drought in our area. Right now they’re having losses because of lack of moisture. That’s something beyond the control of the farmer, that’s what we’re looking at is, in many times in farming has to do with weather related whether it’s a drought that’s not growing grass to feed cattle or other livestock or its lack of moisture to prefer if you’re doing dryland farming, to be able to grow your crops.

So losses like that as compared to losses that you’re just spending money to buy feed or spending money to buy chemical or spending money to buy, just to spend money so that you have a loss so that to offset other income then. Those are, those can be losses within your control. That’s a bit that can be very difficult to go either way. But yet, that’s another area determine, is there really a profit motive, within it? Are you doing the same thing over and over?

Now this actually is what makes farming in a way similar to other business like a sole-proprietorship non-farm business. Is that are you changed? Are you always you just doing the same thing over and over and over again, and not making money, or are you actually doing, trying different methods or maybe reading some publications related to farming to say how you can maybe alter your methods in doing your livestock or in raising your crops or doing other items, so that you can possibly do better, or actually turn your farm or your ranch operation into a profit motive.

Because I do business with several who do actually make money because of the way that they conduct their business, they changed methods or they adjust, they look for the times, they look for trends, and they adjust according to the trends. Also is about knowledge is there, proper knowledge there to farm successfully, which also relates back to as I mentioned, are you reading or studying in certain publications, trade journals related to farming there’s several publications around the area I’m in that many farmers read one called the AG journal that they keep up on what’s happening in markets, what’s happening in the grain markets, what’s happening in the cattle markets.

There’s also knowledge of when sale barns are several sale barns around the area where cattle and other livestock are sold. Are you knowledgeable about when those are? Do you know when to go and buy and sell? Are you just showing up without any knowledge about the particular livestock that you’re looking to perhaps buy or sell? What are you doing, is there actual knowledge of farms successful? Do you know about plowing the fields or fertilizing times to fertilize times to maybe put down other chemicals for weeds?

There’s a lot of areas of knowledge. Do you really do this? Are you trying to get that knowledge? And I tell you many farmers I work with, they do very well, but this is a key distinction between is this just a hobby, or are you just kind of just really doing this to be seriously to make to make money at. How have you been profitable in similar areas in the past is also another potential area that can determine whether there is a profit motive in this. Have you sold your crops, your wheat, your corn, milo whatever you’re doing it and made money at it in the past? Well, certainly, you can have a profit motive and be able to be doing that so certainly, as you work in the farm and work on it if you have this profitability, and you’ve had profit in prior years because farming is one of the most challenging business because you are so dependent upon the weather.

That if you’ve had profits in prior years, especially when there’s been high moisture years a lot of rain or maybe perhaps a lot of snowpack and depending where you are in line for the ditch to get irrigation water. All of that can play a part in your profits and if you get the water, enough water to use it certainly get some good wheat crops because there’s a lot of wheat around our area plus, a lot of a wheat, corn and a few other crops, that’s grown and sent off to feed yards or sold to individual ranchers for as feed for their cattle or horses.

So, as you sell this, are you making profits? Have you made profits in prior years? Do you have future profits expected? And certainly, is certain methods that you use as you have a livelihood and you’re looking at doing it in proper motive. You certainly do expect to have profits, you should do if you’re really conducting your farm in a business-like man or you’ll be able to earn these profits and be able to say, I’m looking towards future profits because we’ve made these adjustments we learn these techniques we’re going to maybe expand our herd of cattle, and look at making this change so that we can grow.

So we can have more and more calves each year, be able to sell more calves and then of course adjust our herd as we need to. So yes, we’re expecting future profits, if all of these areas that I’ve already mentioned, indicate a profit motive, then definitely, yes, you could have and be in the farm business and be able to have the advantages that go along with being a farmer. Now, but if you don’t match up to these actual motives for a farm, you could just have what’s known as a hobby farm, which is not filed on a Schedule F which is where you file a farm.

It is not going to offset any other income. Now, if it is a hobby of course, you do have income from it. And it’s a hobby farm. Why would they have a cost of goods sold as all you can use to offset it, but you got to report the income. Now, you don’t pay self-employment tax when it’s considered a hobby on the income, but you just don’t get any of the other benefits of being a farmer. Now of course, as we looked at you do have a profit motive.

And you’re doing good on a farm, and you’re really wanting to make a business out of it and some people start small, that when they start small, they can appear to be a hobby, because they’re trying to maybe work another job to support while they build up their farming business but they could still be legitimate farmers, that’s what they’re wanting to do that’s where they’re going, they’re buying cattle, or they’re leasing farm land, and they could very well be in the farming business, and with being in the farming business and just like any business, we initially start up. You do have losses. And these losses when you’re legitimately in the farming business can offset other income, like wage income from a W-2 or maybe income from a flow through entity like a partnership or an S-Corp.

So, it can help with those areas to be able to help you to grow up but yet, not pay a lot of tax because you get the offset. When you do have profits on the farm, though, just like a sole-proprietorship, a non-farming business, you are subject to self-employment tax and this is an area that I think is very important for those in the farming business realizes that it is a good thing to pay some tax every year.

And this where an issue has come up for some people in the farming business because they’ve spent so much trying to not pay tax that by not paying their self-employment tax, in the long run, they’ve actually hurt themselves, because they didn’t pay these, the amounts into Social Security, and into Medicare that would normally be paid into if they were a W-2 employee of somebody else. And so, I’ve worked with several farmers on this and recognize and look their taxes and said, you know you have an issue here because you didn’t pay self-employment tax this year.

And so, we avoid having a zero year because you don’t want any zero years because they take the top 35 years. When you do Social Security and they calculate it, and if you can keep out any zero years, you’re going to only be helping yourself by doing that, and certainly in a year and there’s so many years that you can take an election to actually pay some self-employment tax, so that you avoid having these zero years, and that’s an area where to me many farmers especially farmers that are sole-proprietorships, kind of overlook that and they just don’t think about it.

Either that or their tax person whoever has been doing their taxes, hasn’t had the discussion with them which is what I’ve often seen too when I talk to these individuals is that. I’ll ask them about prior tax returns, you’ve been farming. How much employment tax we paying? Well, I’ve been paying any taxes for every year, like you haven’t paid any taxes at all. Well, then I explained to them this deal about the importance of self-employment tax, and then all of a sudden the light comes on, they’re like, you know, that makes a lot of sense.

So I’m always encouraging what you need to be paying something in on self-employment tax, even as a farmer in order to make sure you get a good amount of Social Security, and that you’re also qualified for Medicare by avoiding those zero years, but having as few of those as possible, so we can make the election to be able to pay some self-employment tax, even if you have a loss so that’s a nice deal that’s in the tax law there.

Are you wanting to grow wealth faster, save time and build a nest egg? Hire a tax pro who makes you money and does more than just file your tax return? Marcelino Dodge of Cash Tracks Financial identifies your key numbers, works year-round, improve your numbers, keeps you compliant and helps you achieve goals faster. Call Marcelino Dodge today, 719-336-8739 to schedule your free tax strategy review. Call 336-8739 or visit

Many people want to build wealth or grow their business faster, but do not know what specific numbers to look at that actually helped build monthly cash flow. Hire a tax pro who makes you money and does more than just filing your tax return? Marcelino Dodge of Cash Tracks Financial identifies your key numbers, works year-round to improve your numbers, keeps you compliant and helps you achieve goals faster. Schedule your free tax strategy review by calling 719-336-8739 or visit

Marcelino: Welcome back to The Tax Answers Advisor. This is Marcelino Dodge, very much appreciate you listening to the program today, as we’re discussing about taxes for farmers and the importance, as we were discussing right before the break for farmers to pay self-employment tax. That is a drought, you definitely want to avoid is not having enough social security, and enough quarters in to pay, and get yourself on Social Security when you do come up to retirement age, whether you choose to take it at 62, or later on closer to full retirement which is working up to age, 67, and each of that is an individual basis, I don’t advocate either way, what I advocate for when it comes to taking Social Security is doing what’s best for the individual.

At the time, and but what I do advocate is for farmers in the farming business pay at least some self-employment tax each year to get your four quarters and to avoid zero year among your top 35. Another benefit of being a farmer, is when you do your income, you’re eligible for what’s known as Farm Income Averaging, which can save you on income taxes through the year with the profitable farm by averaging it out over a three-year period often underutilized area with but is an area I tried to always utilize when I worked with farmers, in my particular business because it is a very good tool, and saving income tax.

Now a unique provision that farmers have is also relief on estimated payments, which is really nice because a farmer makes all of their estimated payments and filed their tax return by March 1st, that’s this year, then they don’t have any estimated tax penalties for not making the estimated payments through the year when they do owe tax. That’s a very nice provision that’s in the tax law for farmers, many do take advantage of that by getting their taxes paid, and their return filed by March 1st.

Now, a person can be a landlord on farming, as well, which you can own the farm, the land that is. And the assets, but not actually be farming on it, but you can still be considered farming now what you can be, though, is you can be leasing out the land or the assets to a farmer, you can be leasing it out for cash, and just get a regular amount of cash rent. Each year for further use of the land which some around in my area and I’ve worked with some that do this that lease out their land.

They don’t farm it but others farm it and they do it, and ones do it very nicely and they just get their, whatever their lease payment is each year for that or they lease out their land for pasture, and I have because I have clients that actually pay rent to landowners, for use of their land to be able to put their cattle on for pasture, and works out both what works out really good for both. Also, that the other way you can lease land to a farmer is to get a share of the crops produced, which these percentages can vary, yet you’re leasing out your land.

I mean, you could have your house like almost right there, right next to the land but you’re just living in the home but yet, you’re the land around is actually being farmed by someone else and I have some clientele that actually do that they lease out the land around them, but they don’t actually farm themselves, what they do they get a share of the crops that are produced off of the land each year. Now what’s really handy about this arrangement, when you are leasing land for a percentage of the crops produced is that that income is not subject to self-employment tax. So you get some additional income, not having to pay self-employment tax, but you do pay just regular income tax on that you do get some expenses.

But, the key point is on that as a landlord is that you do not materially participate in that. Now there’s four tests, and if you meet just one of those four tests. You can be considered materially participating in it and thus, instead of being not subject to self-employment tax if you’re considered materially participating, you can end up having to pay self-employment tax on it.

So, it’s just best if you’re going to do that just to, I’ll just say be hands off, maybe visit with your tenant every once in a while, and just keep doing as little as possible and just enjoy the income coming in off of the crops. And what’s nice is that when you do this you often do get some government payments too from various government programs. It’s also considered taxable income but it’s still a nice provision, you can get now income reporting.

There’s various farm income types we’ve discussed several of them are, some of them already, but some do we’ll do custom hire work, where they’ll go over and they’ll do some bailing or they’ll go and do some other type of work on a farm, to help out a neighbor, to get some of their crops in, and that’s that work is reported on Schedule F and oftentimes that custom higher work 1099 is issued out to that individual doing the work, and then they report that is custom higher work that they did.

If you’re getting cash rent from just leasing up your land, be it leasing of it that what they’re actually producing crops on or if you’re leasing it to someone who’s putting cattle on it for grazing purposes. That is just the Schedule E, cash rent, that you can get a few little land expenses like the taxes on the land and perhaps maybe some insurances that you can take as expense to offset that income, or maybe have a loan of course on the land as well.

And then if you’re getting crop rent, and you’re getting a share of the crops, that’s considered farm rental income which falls into another farm which is 4835. Usually when you have a sharecropper and you get a lot more expenses, but still it’s a good source of income. And it provides you with income that is not subject to self-employment tax. A little bit specific on sales of livestock as some don’t actually do direct farming or raising crops but some individuals may have had clients that really work, all they work with his livestock, and they’ll go in and they’ll purchase, they’ll go to the sale barn, and they’ll see a group of calves that they’re going to go in and buy they’re called feeder calves. These are younger animals that they’ll go in and purchase for a certain price, and then they, you go in, you feed them for several months. Get them up to a certain weight, and then once they get up to that certain weight then you will turn around and sell to make a profit on them. And there’s places on the tax return, while on the Schedule F where they actually have a spot where you buy cattle like this these younger animals, where you buy him you put in the price where you bought him and you put in the price where you sold them that’s actually determined to your profit and that’s separate from the other expenses that you have down below.

But, it is one area of livestock that I see some doing some once again, they do very well at it. Breeding these we have a breeding goal once we’ll go in and buy heifers, oftentimes they’ll use it for reading purposes before five years they, these particular cows. They come in as farm assets, because they’ll produce calves each year then calves, calves that are then sold. And then there’s what’s also called Market livestock, which basically these would be calves that are then produced by the farm assets.

In this case, you have the heifers, and start producing calves, and then these calves are then raised up to a certain age and then they’re sold those for the purpose of the one doing the raising that’s considered market livestock. So they produce them there on the farm, then they sell that livestock out sell those calves, which there’s are many ranchers that will go in and do this and it says, that’s what their business is they’ll produce so many calves each year.

I was just listening to the radio this morning and one of the live, one of the sale barns in the areas having a sale, they’re talking about all these calves that many of these areas ranches are bringing, they’re going to go and sell these calves are going to be market because they raised them, and they sold them, they take them out and they sell them. And this course, these sales go on in our area there’s one about seems like there’s about a sale barn is having a sale about every day during the week but it’s just as part of the business and this would happen these cattle are constantly bought and sold, depending what is going for whether they’re feeder or they’re the breeding or they’re the market, whatever they are, they’re going out and it’s creating income for the rancher that is using them.

Now farmers, they have farm income of course, and the vast majority of farmers are what’s cash basis which is basically when you have cash basis farming, you count the money when it comes in when you take possession of it because you get the check that’s cash basis on income and cash sales, when you write that check out and you’ve paid that expense. And certainly that cash basis is very most common that’s, I haven’t worked with any farmers that do what’s known as accrual basis we pretty much always stay on cash because it’s simpler it’s easier and makes everybody’s life so much simpler. And you do get income, I mentioned about resale of farm products which is basically like what I mentioned earlier about feeder cattle, they’re reselling up, they’re buying them, then they’re reselling them later at a different price. And then of course, the other farm income is of course, like your market once, or the produce which is cattle or other livestock that is purchase that is raised on the farm, and then sold and sale.

A farm products, also includes like your wheat, your hay, Milo, other farm products that are raised, raised from the ground that they sell as well. So there’s a lot of areas that fall in there and when I’m working on one of these I always got, got to get these items clarified because there’s different lines where these go and it’s very important to have each of them in the right spot. Also you have cooperative distributions which some farmers will get which these are from farmer owned companies, and they get a distribution when they do get a distribution when those cooperatives are profitable.

There’s a distribution that will be put out to the farmers for that and those do come out those are considered taxable income. I also see a lot of payments from the USDA for land it could be payments for maybe crops not producing a certain amount, it could be disaster payments, could be drought payments, there’s a lot of different USDA payments that go out. Also, another type of payment which is CRP payments in the business, which is basically CRP is payments that are going out for those who are taking care of land that they’re just basically letting it go to grass, they’re kind of preserving it, and leaving it out, leaving the land out there for wildlife to do it.

No, but they do a little bit of work on it, have a little bit of payments but they get these payments from the government to be able to do that, and certainly those payments there. Now what’s nice about CRP payments, though, is that those payments when a person, a farmer gets up to the age, and they’re getting Social Security. Those CRP payments become not taxable, not subject to self-employment tax, that’s a nice thing.

So, another good provision for those who have land or participating in some of these government programs, and of course, some of the other cash basis areas that farmers can have is a Crop Insurance, which all depends on the amount that they insured and what they insured but these payments are taxable and they can be. Depending on the year, like right now with a drought, this last year these payments could be pretty significant that I’m gonna see, haven’t seen too much but, there’s a lot of Insurance Agents and Crop Insurance.

So it’s going to be interesting to see how the Crop Insurance comes out this year. Of course, I mentioned custom higher earlier cash basis when they get paid. And then there’s a lot of other little areas that can fall in there under other farm income as well as for cash basis, so just a few of the items we can hit on here certainly as cash comes in, they utilize it in turn about reinvest oftentimes most farmers will take about reinvesting equipment and do all kinds of different farm-related activity to of course, take care of their farm and raise. And properly, being in a business as a farmer, there are many tax advantages that a farmer can get, for example, when one area that can happen is at a farmer can prepay up to a year of expenses.

Yes, it must be an actual purchase for things like feed, chemicals, and supplies, it can’t just be a deposit it must be an actual purchase of these items. For it to be able to be a deduction which, this could be handy especially if there’s a lot of expenses in a year. I mean a lot of income, or an unexpected bumper crop as they say, you have a lot of income, well, you can go ahead and make these purchases, a year in advance but make sure it’s an actual purchase to be able to give the additional ride off.

Another area that’s very nice for farmers, is farm vehicles, farm pickups, used primarily in the farm. I like this provision, because one of my biggest pet peeves is I talk to people in businesses do you have a logbook of the use? Are you keeping track of your mileage? Because in every other business, type of business. You must keep a logbook for verification of vehicle expenses. This is where farmers are differ, though, is that for a farm vehicle, a vehicle, it could be a car or a pickup that is used primarily for farming and that can be on the farm, that can be going to and from the feed store.

They can deduct 75% of all of those expenses for farming, without having to have any type of logbook, or mileage record. That is just simply marvelous. Now of course if a farmer does keep a log book that can show more than 75% use, then you can of course take the higher deduction that is an excellent provision, excellent advantage of being a farmer. We’re going to go ahead and take a little break now and then come back and talk a little bit more about some of the tax advantages of being in the farm business. This is The Tax Answers Advisor with Marcelino Dodge, on the Voice America Business Channel.

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Are you wanting to grow wealth faster, save time and build the next egg? Hire a tax pro who makes you money and does more than just file your tax return? Marcelino Dodge of Cash Tracks Financial identifies your key numbers, works year-round to improve your numbers, and keeps you compliant and helps you achieve goals faster. Call Marcelino Dodge today, 719-336-8739 to schedule your free tax strategy review. Call 336-8739 or visit

Many people want to build wealth or grow their business faster, but do not know what specific numbers to look at that actually helped build monthly cash flow. Hire a tax pro who makes you money and does more than just file your tax return. Marcelino Dodge of Cash Tracks Financial identifies your key numbers, works a year-round to improve your numbers, keeps you compliant and helps you achieve goals faster. Schedule your free tax strategy review by calling 719-336-8739 or visit

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This is The Tax Answers Advisor with host, Marcelino Dodge. To reach our program today, please call in the number is 1-866-472-5790. That’s 1-866-472-5790. You may also send an email to Now, back to The Tax Answers Advisor.

Marcelino: Welcome back to The Tax Answers Advisor. I’m Marcelino Dodge, certainly appreciate you listening in today as we’re talking about taxes for farmers avoiding the drought, and certainly some of the tax advantages of being in the farming business or there we were just talking about the logbook requirement or I should say, no logbook requirement for farm vehicles. We then been able to deduct 75% of those expenses that is a wonderful provision in the tax code.

Another tax advantage that farmers have, is income averaging over a three-year period. Now, when this particular method is utilized. It does not save self-employment tax. What it does do though, is it can reduce your income tax, which is still a tax savings, but yet as I mentioned earlier the importance of paying the self-employment tax is vital, and if a farmer does have a certain, certain amounts that they expect to possibly make even maybe quarterly estimated payments could be a good idea.

But once again, it depends on the individual situation. I can’t just say, this is a blanket for everybody. Now with this income averaging, for example, there could be a tax benefit to selling some stored grain in one year, and then reap the benefits because you’re taking it out, you’re averaging it out so there could be some there once again, just kind of got to look and benefit and see if it is going to be an actual benefit which is part of the process that we use through our year-round process here is helping individuals such as farmers to make decisions like that. Should I sell that this year? Should I not sell that? That’s our whole process help ones to make that determination. Another advantage of farming is the special fast depreciation on certain buildings and assets.

Yes, most farm buildings have a 20 year write off period. And there’s also some new provisions that after 2019, anything that you purchased new after 2019, or equipment as a five-year life to it. But if you bought something used in 2019 or later which brings us up to today, those have a seven-year life, but has a certain method that those that use the equipment must use in there. Now of course, being that this equipment is five and seven years, you can still take items such as bonus depreciation or section 179.

What you do, just really depends on your individual circumstances. I can’t advocate what’s best for everybody, all I can advocate for is the saying that has to be looked at. We look at it, we determine what’s going to be the best for the individual, not just on this tax return, but yet going forward. Do you really need to take a certain amount of depreciation on this tax return or would it be a benefit to you, instead of taking all of the bonus or taking everything on section 179, by doing it in a way that is going to benefit you now and going forward because maybe you’ll need an expense in future years.

So certainly, depreciation is something that’s deeply discussed with the client here to help to make a good decision based on good information. Then other tax advantages of course, two thirds of income from farming estimated taxes do paid by once again, filed by March 1st, you’re in good shape as a farmer, that’s a beautiful, beautiful thing and the other provision that they make for farmers. Now of course, as we keep in mind with farming is that these are necessary, whatever expenses are ordinary and necessary are taking as expenses on the farm.

Of course, as I mentioned about a pickup or a vehicle used in farm you can take it 75% expenses, and with no allocation records, my goodness, that’s just a beautiful area to be able to do that without having to have that verification that my farmers don’t have to worry about because I just say, okay we can do this and they’re like okay, whereas everybody else I have to write them about a mileage log.

And there’s certainly apps that can help ones to do that as well. Even as farming, you can take a home office deduction for areas exclusively and regularly used for farm management within the home. And there’s of course a percentage, that could be used or once again the simplified method could be used, whatever works best and certainly we once again sit down and discuss, and figure out which does work the best for the client, because each of you as a client or potential client is an individual. And that’s one of my areas where I just take a lot of pride in is just making sure that as I take care of you. I look at you as an individual, look at your individual situation, and we make a tax return based on what’s good for you as the individual. And if simplified whole method is good, we go that way.

Going percentage is good, we go that way, just another example of how, as I look at people and try to help them do my best through our year-round process we make these decisions and helps you to do and be successful financially, and also pay as little tax as possible. A farmer may have a tenant house that they use for the help. Of course, you can deduct the cost of maintaining and furnishing this home.

And what’s really nice about the tenant? They don’t pay tax, there so it’s very good for them. If you lease property, that can be an expense that you can have. Now, the exception to this though, is the home where the farmer actually lives so if you’re leasing property and the home happens to be with it, there has to be a distinction somewhere of this amount is for the farm land. And this amount is for the farm house.

Ideally there should be something in the lease agreement that says, say this $5,000 we’re paying, this $500, $600 goes towards the home. But I don’t know how often that actually happens but that would be my definite recommendation is to have something in there that says, how much is where the home and how much is for the actual property. If there’s a conditional sales contract now these are always an interesting area is, Lease Agreements and I put lease quotes there because sometimes leases are more of a conditional sales contract which basically means you may have a $1 buyout which at the end, which after three years or five years whatever it is, it’s like, you actually own the item.

But with this type, who’s doing maintenance? Who’s doing repairs? Who’s doing all the work on the equipment? Well, if you’re doing all of that work on the equipment, then you really don’t have a lease. What you have is a conditional sales contract and you’re actually purchasing the item and there’s some really details in the IRS rules about these type of contracts, and that you’re actually going to have to recover that cost by depreciating the item.

Not the lease payments, because in a true lease when you’re leasing something place that you’re leasing it from takes care of maintenance, takes care of repairs, all of that, all you do is pay the lease. And so whenever I run into these type of contracts, I always say, bring me the contract, I need to look at the contract and see what it actually says. See if you truly have a lease, and that’s an area where I sometimes get into deep discussions and sometimes maybe even a little heated discussions, is trying to calmly explain to the client that this is what you got yourself into. And this is how we take care of it and this is what we do now. So just be aware of that, on these sales contracts and we’re always here of course to help you to see what you need to do. Of course there’s nondeductible items when it comes to farms. Some of these are of course, anything personal.

Anything raised used by the farmer, even value of livestock that died is not a deduction, especially your cash because if you raise the livestock, of those calf that was lost, which I always have some clients that will lose a calf or whatever. They try to establish the value on it which is good to know but for tax purposes, it’s not a deduction. And then of course, we keep in mind depreciation of vehicles, machinery, buildings, breeding stock that is used in the farm all of that is part of what needs to be, or what can be deducted.

Oftentimes on a farm and in many some years we have a net operating loss. Now, there’s been a lot going on with net operating losses since the Tax Cut and Jobs Act at the end of 2017. But for 2020, it’s really gonna 2020. You can carry back five years or carry forward indefinitely, for 2020 return. But in order to carry forward, you can waive, you don’t have to carry it back but you have to put in an election to waive that carry back period.

Otherwise you have to carry it back. Now, what’s nice about the 2020 is add back and offset a 100% of taxable income. That’s where we are for 2020. But then as we go into 2021, where we are now, unless something changes just based on current law is that it will go back to, for this year. For 2021, it’s back to two years back or carry forward indefinitely. But once again, we waive the carry back period which is majority of the time with most of my clients, that’s what we do, because in many cases it’s not really a benefit to carry it back.

So what we end up doing is carrying it forward. Now, for 2021 going forward based on current law, it does limit the offset to 80% of taxable income so not as good as we have a loss of 2020 which could be good for those in 2020. Because at why I shouldn’t say 2020 should be good because there are probably some that have a lot of losses that they’ll be able to maybe carry back, which you go back five years that could be very good that’s where once again looking at individuals and then making adjustments where necessary.

Going to touch a little bit more just here on Farm Income Averaging, a little bit more because I mentioned it, and talk just a little bit, but it’s nice because it allows some where all eligible farm income, you can use some of it, and you can select what you want to use on farm income averaging, you can actually lower your income tax. Now, as you take that amount of can’t be greater than whatever your taxable income is which it really comes down to, once again as I mentioned there if you’re paying self-employment taxes, this is where this is really nice when you’re paying self-employment tax, and you really do need to as a farmer, pay your self-employment tax, you still may be subject to regular income tax. Now this is where farm income averaging come in to help you to not at least have to pay the regular income tax, because through the farm income averaging you can or you can average out whatever your income is then bring down that income tax for the year.

And what’s nice is that when it comes to farming. It’s not just for individual farmers who are sole-proprietors, this can show up for partners. This can be used for shareholders like in anS-Corp, so that all can reduce their income tax there it’s really a wonderful provision in the tax law that’s been made available, and it can be used for tax years for a tax saving tool even if you have no tax savings in the year using it, it can actually help you for future years.

So there could be tax saving there which is why we try to always put it on every return because it can definitely help, so there’s no real downside to have on the tax return each year. Now, as we’ve been talking about farmers and avoiding the drought and being very careful and what you do, and taking the proper expenses, making sure you pay yourself employment tax. These are all areas that when we work with individuals through our intelligence solutions area that we really try to help individuals of all types and various businesses to avoid a drought, to be able to work together.

Yes, I like to work together with people in their financial picture, this is any type of occupation, so that we can help you put together the necessary components of your financial picture because it’s a challenge for us all to do with on our own. And thus, we can help you, we can come in here and help you. We enroll you in a bundle, can be an individual bundle, can be a business success bundle, to help take care of the tax and bookkeeping stuff. \

But even go beyond that, reach down into what you need to look at your goals, simplify your financial picture, get the core components, get defined action items throughout the year. So, we give year-round support by means of our business. And this is through various technical means, yes, we are available year-round, we got web portal, secure web portal that is used so easily transfer information.

We got video chat available, or I will sit down, talk to you face to face that way. So to really come to understand your goals, and what your needs are. And of course, you can always get a hold of me at, or The phone, 844-394-4287. Then of course, you can always visit me on Facebook, Yes, we are available year-round to help you meet not only your compliance needs, but help you to create an action plan to help you to be able to reach, whatever financial goals that you need, and we do offer a free mutual exploration meeting to discuss your goals, in detail, then to help to determine what your bundle is to be able to put together an action plan for you in a roadmap. So you can know where you’re going, what you’re doing, how we’re going to help you. Next week, we’re going to discuss, “Wisely choose your Tax Preparer.” But yet,SA go beyond just wisely choosing your tax preparer, but choose one who can also be your financial partner, it’s going to be very interesting how we go into that next week and discuss the importance and emphasizing even more.

So from the last time we talked about this just about a month ago, frankly, of choosing a tax preparer that not only does your tax return, but can help you out in many other areas as well. Again, I thank you for tuning in today, and we’ll see you next week at 9am Pacific. This is Marcelino Dodge, on The Tax Answers Advisor on the Voice America Business Channel.

Thank you for listening to The Tax Answers Advisor with host, Marcelino Dodge. We’ll be back again next Thursday at 12 noon Eastern time, and 9am Pacific time, on The Voice America Business Channel. We’ll have more to share next week.

Cash Tracks Financial Inc.
117 W Beech St
Lamar, CO 81052
Office:(719) 336-8739
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Fax: (719) 336-8799


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When you need help to prepare your tax return or to solve your tax issues contact Cash Tracks Financial Inc., serving Lamar, Colorado and Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Lamar CALL: (719) 336-8739 TOLL FREE: (844) 394-4287 FAX: (719) 336-8799

117 W Beech St, Lamar, CO 81052, USA

Colorado Springs CALL: (719) 359-8789 TOLL FREE: (844) 394-4287 FAX: (719) 336-8799

525 N Cascade Ave, #200, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 USA

Thursday 19 January 2023

Is Your Website ADA Compliant? A Tax Credit Can Help You!

ADA Compliance For Websites – It’s Important

Find out about Americans With Disabilities website compliance for business owners

How Can I Determine If My Website Is ADA Compliant?

ADA Website Compliance


Marcelino: Welcome to The Tax Answers Advisor. I’m Marcelino Dodge and we’re on show number 16 and building it’s just been a fine ride we’re really enjoying this and hoping a kick goes on continue we want to send a big thank you out for listening to this show not only here in the US but worldwide. This podcast is listened to in China, Canada, Germany. It’s just such a pleasure and such a privilege to have such a variety of listenership as we continue to grow.

Also, any questions about anything I discussed today or on any of my shows, you can always contact me at Cash Tracks Financial. Email, or give me a call. It’s 844-394-4287. And we’re on Facebook at Cash Tracks on Facebook. A quick update as from last week, or actually a previous show, just want to remind all about the $300 per return deduction for charitable deductions that is for 2020, then it actually jumps up to $600.

If you’re a married filing joint couple for 2021, which is not much but hey, every little bit we take. And then of course, the big announcement in the last week is tax season will begin on February 12th, when the IRS will be fully accepting tax returns. That’s the latest that has ever been in my 20 plus years of doing taxes. So we’ll see how that works out. And as of right now, we still know tax day is April 15th.

Going to go ahead and jump into our topic of the day, which deals with small businesses and the Americans with Disabilities Act, how that is going to affect small businesses. And then of course, we’ll talk a little bit with our guest here in just a moment here. But this act was originally passed in 1990. I was working in another job at the time when that first came out. And it was interesting because of all of the protections that it provides for discrimination, to protect against discrimination for disabled Americans, many physical locations requires compliance to make sure they have accessibility and so on.

Now something that’s been commonly overlooked, which is what’s going to be talked about today, especially for small business, which is why we’re talking about this is websites need to be accessible to the disabled and that includes accessible to the blind. Today, I’m going to talk to my and this is so exciting. This is my first guest ever on The Tax Answers Advisor, I’m very happy to have David Steckelberg today.

A CPA, who had been working for many years in cash flows investing, borrowing at specialized in mergers and acquisitions, been a CFO for a Texas Jewelry Manufacturer and Retailer, and even work as a controller for the United Insurance Company, then was a Senior Manager and Coordinator with KPMGP Marwick. Also, lately as he’s been turning his focus, which is why we’re going to talk about this topic today been focusing on helping small businesses and websites to comply with ADA requirements, particularly accessibility for the blind. So I’d like to go ahead and welcome at this time, Mr. David Steckelberg there. How you doing there, David?

David Steckelberg: Great. Thank you for the opportunity to be on the show Marcelino, really appreciate it.

Marcelino: Well, we really appreciate it. And as we go through here, and as we’ve already discussed ahead of time, this is very important for small businesses to know about this, especially if they have a website. So I just wanted to check with you real quick here. How did this issue we’re going to talk about even come to your attention?

David Steckelberg: Well, in 2015, The Wall Street Journal ran a small article about this issue of probably two column inches at the most but I guess, by luck happened to read it. And then in 2017, is where it really started coming into focus that a judge ruled against the Winn Dixie stores, and said that all business websites must be accessible to the blind. And that’s what really opened the floodgates for the lawsuits against businesses. Initially, these Activist Attorneys went against the bigger companies, because they were probably pretty easy fish. But now that they’ve covered all those are focusing on small businesses, and that’s where the real problem is due to the extensive cost of the lawsuits that’s kind of the background.

Marcelino: And yeah, we know that. Not every small business can just write a check for like five or $10,000, just pretty low.

David Steckelberg: That’d be you could be looking at 20 grand plus legal fees. So then, make your website in compliant. Yeah, that costs part of the settlement, once you get in the lawsuit, say that the law, the plaintiffs fees or the Attorneys fees, you still have to make your website and compliance in order to distinguish the lawsuit.

Marcelino: Wow. And from some of my initial research that could be very costly to do that on a website, very costly.

David Steckelberg: Well, that’s one of the problems with this, again, for a small business person to do that would be very expensive. And I’ve worked with some technical people to come up with a much less expensive way to do this.

Marcelino: So with as you become aware of it, what did what made you decide that to help with this? I mean, you read the article, you got familiar with it, but then how, what motivated you to go ahead and help small business with this?

David Steckelberg: Well, up until this past year, I had my own tech practice, which I focused on helping small businesses best way to be filing, how to reduce their taxes, savings plans, they’ll set plans and so forth. And I guess you’d say it was very upsetting to me, that we’re seeing these attorneys out here attacking these small businesses, and getting fees from them. That, in my opinion, they didn’t really deserve. I mean, that’s questionable, but that was my take on it. And I kept working on this idea. How can we make this an affordable way for small business people to avoid the lawsuit? That was basically the emphasis on it.

Marcelino: So is that what led you to, to start your organization, your internet access for Disabled Americans to help businesses?

David Steckelberg: Exactly, right. Yeah, the particularly, what really got me going was the 2019, Wall Street Journal, it said lawsuit surge over website access for the blind. And that article is quite lengthy. He went on to explain all the problems that this was causing. And to give you an example, how bad has gotten, there was a 23% increase in the number of accessibility lawsuits in 20, over 2019. So it’s growing at a rapid rate. When you’re turning the barrel is, you’re going to get caught?

Marcelino: Well, I guess the people had a lot of time to stay at home in 2020. And look for this thing with this pandemic going on.

David Steckelberg: I suppose that part of it.

Marcelino: It could be part of it. Yeah, there. So then, as you progressed in this and looked at this, and then just kind of probably to emphasize this point, what has made this become such a large concern for small businesses with websites.

David Steckelberg: Well, is a previously mentioned, minimum of 10 grand on these lawsuits, and most of them 20 plus the legal fees, okay. And the hassle of dealing with a lawsuit, if you’ve ever didn’t do that, that’s disturbing, and distracting. And for your listeners, in the state of California, there’s something new that’s come on the rise as of July 1 2020, they now as the California Consumer Privacy Act, that will find a business $7,500 for each violation of the accessibility for the blind on a website.

So, one violation 7500 a second violation, another 7500, and so on. And then people say add insult to injury. California also has another regulation that provides for a $4,000 debt fine or damages for each violation on a website. So potentially, you can be hit $11,500 in California, for one violation of your website. And that would be significant.

Marcelino: Yeah, significant and that would then also then be in addition to perhaps the demand letter you’re getting from an attorney. Right and that accessibility.

David Steckelberg: It easily put a lot of small businesses out of business into bankruptcy. California is really, has a very onerous regulations there that’s going to hurt a lot of businesses. The attorneys are going to take advantage of this.

Marcelino: Yeah, unfortunately, that’s what we see many attorneys doing there. So we’ve seen how this problem has developed, there’s a huge challenge for small businesses. And, and what’s really sad, at least in a lot of this is that none of these small businesses are doing this out of there doing it more out of ignorance.

David Steckelberg: I don’t know anything else that’s unaware, nobody’s talking about it to any great extent.

Marcelino: Yeah, until they get the little notice, like you. We previously discussed about that winery in Denver that was just trying to reopen from the shutdown regarding from the virus. And next thing, you know, he has a notice, or this demand from or get served with this demand for his website. Not being accessible. And he’s already struggling to get open all of a sudden he’s desert 1000s of dollars. So it’s definitely, definitely a big challenge for them.

David Steckelberg: Significant increase, they need lawsuits in the State of Colorado in the last year.

Marcelino: Yes. That’s why I’m looking at this very seriously for my own schedule a tax clients, because this is something because that’s just what we don’t none of them need this, especially now. As we’re going to look at this, and as we see this year, we’re going to ask how does the small business then address this challenge?

David Steckelberg: Well, my first recommendation would be to talk to your web designer, or webmaster, wherever you want to call him. And number one, ask him, is he aware of this problem? My experience with talking to him is a lot of them are not aware of this problem, okay? Then tell him that you want to get a proposal, estimate the cost and making your website accessible to the blind and visually impaired.

And that is excessive amount of money, which it might be, then consider going online and look at an AI program for Internet access. It’s the addresses I for It’s IA the number four And look at our program. And that’s what’s called the alternative method under the Americans with Disabilities Act, providing accessibility to the blind. It’s a simplified method, but it meets the requirements.

Marcelino: So if a business has a website, and most businesses do, or many or many are even considering going online, because you see, I mean, I see these ads constantly still going on. Recommending visits, if you haven’t set up your website, which, obviously, there’s several that haven’t yet, but they need to be thinking about this if they’re going to set up a website for their small business. And now this is an additional question that they need to ask in addition to everything else that you ask, you got to ask about accessibility for the blind.

David Steckelberg: I would go back to original source first, and see how you make that happen in the cost and that too excessive, then have your webmaster do it. But if you’ve got and figure out that way beyond your budget, then I would recommend you consider our program and see how that would work for you.

Marcelino: Yeah, this program that we’re going to discuss a little bit more here is, is really from what I’ve already looked at a very, very good, very cost effective program plus some other benefits, which is why we brought it into this show related to tax. So what we’re going to we’re going to take a little break here just so everybody can catch their breath because this has been a very interesting topic here.

And we’re going to go ahead and come back in a couple minutes to discuss more of this challenge that businesses have with accessibility for their blind, for the blind on their websites there. So, look forward to talking to you again in a couple minutes. This is The Tax Answers Advisor with Marcelino Dodge on The Voice America Business Channel.

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Are you wanting to grow wealth faster, save time and build a nest egg? Hire a tax pro who makes you money and does more than just file your tax return? Marcelino Dodge of Cash Tracks Financial identifies your key numbers, works year-round to improve your numbers, and keeps you compliant and helps you achieve goals faster. Call Marcelino Dodge today, 719-336-8739 to schedule your free tax strategy review. Call 336-8739 or visit

Many people want to build wealth or grow their business faster, but do not know what specific numbers to look at that actually helped build monthly cash flow. Hire a tax pro who makes you money and does more than just file your tax return. Marcelino Dodge of Cash Tracks Financial identifies your key numbers, works year-round to improve your numbers, keeps you compliant and helps you achieve goals faster. Schedule your free tax strategy review by calling 719-336-8739 or visit

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This is The Tax Answers Advisor with host, Marcelino Dodge. To reach our program today please call in the number is 1-866-472-5790. That’s 1-866-472-5790. You may also send an email to Now, back to The Tax Answers Advisor.

Marcelino: Welcome back to The Tax Answers Advisor. This is Marcelino Dodge, certainly appreciate you listening to the program today as we are addressing a very vital topic for small businesses regarding website accessibility to the blind. Have my guest here, David Steckelberg, we’re gonna take a little bit closer look at now how we, as small businesses because I’m a small business man just as David’s a small businessman. How we all can address this challenge to make sure our websites are accessible for the blind?

So we’re going to take a little bit closer look here, because one of the things I had noticed, David, is that a website needs to be accessible, as we’ve discussed for the blind. But yet, many don’t know that it needs to be done. So then how does your organization that What’s the services that that helps ones to really, really to see that to help them to address that issue? If they can’t do it on the with their initial website designer, or it’s just not cost effective for them to do it that way?

David Steckelberg: Let me explain first, why there is an issue here. Individuals, Disabled Americans that use the sense of blind and visually impaired, use what are called screen readers to read the internet, what that is a fancy name for software that they have on their computer, that will look at a website and read them to text. Now the problem with most websites, which is one of their big selling points, is they have pictures, video, maybe fancy type, all these unusual descriptions that they’re advertising and trying to portray that screen readers cannot interpret.

They cannot read it. So when the software is moving across that web page, when it starts to do run into this type of stuff, pictures and graphics, so forth, is not going to function properly. What the screen reader can only read is text letters. And what I came, I didn’t come up with someone else’s a technical person’s idea was to link that website to another website that we provide. That’s strictly in text. And it’s all just simple letters.

Now the screen reader software can very easily move through that webpage and read all that information to the blind person. And you can put on these, way up to four pages. Most people two is the most, all the information that you want to give about your business. I mean you can start with the name, address, location, telephone number, contact person, whatever you think is really pertinent to a blind person, and also giving detailed description of what your products and services are.

In that way blind person will hear all of that information very readily, very easily. And clearly. There won’t be any disruption from pictures and graphics and other information that doesn’t fit their software logic. It makes sense that.

Marcelino: No, that makes sense. Yeah. Basically, it takes it from the photos and the pictures, and you get down to base to the text so the readers can read it there. So basically, it makes it accessible which is as what you say is what you’re saying there. Which is really what we want to do.

David Steckelberg: I have to thank for that idea, because he referred me to the technician that understood how all this work. And he developed this program for me.

Marcelino: That’s one of the reasons I love our clients. That right times, they can find technical people for something like this, that usually we don’t deal with and dealing with taxes, but dealing with helping to help our clients to be able to not have these lawsuits or these demand letters for having a website that’s not accessible to the blind, then it’s good to have clients and I’ve used clients for various referrals as well for other items.

But this is very, very, this is probably the most important thing right now for small businesses. And you found a good thing, you found a client that had a referral that knew where to go. That’s great. So then, as we see here, worked out really good there. So the website, then I’ve seen in some instances now your little video that’s on your website, mentioned about how you need to check with your website designer, but yet you can also have your website audited, if it’s compliant there. Now, some places charged to do that, don’t they?

David Steckelberg: Yes, yes, it can be audited. With screen reader software, you can check to make sure that it works properly. And it can be done for you. It’s not a difficult thing.

Marcelino: Yeah, it’s not a difficult thing. But I know some places charge for it. But does the charge to do that for you?

David Steckelberg: No, no, we do not.

Marcelino: Yeah. And so that’s, that’s a very fine service that provides an addition, they can help you ahead of time to know if you’re in compliance and then check for you at no charge if you are compliant. And then of course, help you to be compliant. If it’s out of the price range for you’re out of your budget after you check with your website designer, which some of them just may not. Some of them may or may not be up to the task and doing it, we I mean, we don’t know. But that’s where you have to check with them and see.

David Steckelberg: What website, how complicated it is, and so forth.

Marcelino: Yeah, it depends how many pages you have, it depends. And I can see where it could be a little costly for those, especially if they’re selling a lot of products online, or selling inventory online, those kind items, a lot of items were like a website I have, doesn’t have a lot of pages, no not selling anything, but my services. So obviously, wouldn’t be as much. So we’ve talked about some of the costs that are going to be involved in this, but yet, how does one or what’s the cost gonna be to do this?

If you’re not able to do it through your website designer, it’s out of your budget. And we’ve talked about how much those costs can be. What, through IA4AdA, what’s going to be the cost to get you compliant to do with your website, as well as we look at implementation and maintenance to be able to keep your website compliant there.

David Steckelberg: Well, our program has a fee of $15,000, $1,500 each year and each year you can just automatically re-enroll for the $15,000. Now some people out there think that’s gonna cost a lot of money eventually, well not really because this program, now your business qualifies or disabled access tax credit. In the tax credit will you be used to offset the cost of that $15,000 each year. The little technical, I don’t know if it’s something we want to go to show here. But that’s what reduces your cost significantly with this program.

Marcelino: Well, that’s why we brought this on here because it does have a benefit for small businesses tax wise, not just legal wise but tax wise. On the tax return, it has that purpose form which is why I wanted to cover it on this podcast, because we do have a tax benefit and that’s our whole purpose of this show is to help small businesses to minimize taxes and in this way with this particular program we have that opportunity to do so. As well as have you be protected as a business against these people out there.

David Steckelberg: With this, what we figured out how to do the technical part of it then figure out how small business could pay for this without being huge amount of money out of pocket and that’s what we came up with this system we have for the tax credit.

Marcelino: Yes, and that tax credit can be very useful and depending on the size of the business it could, it does pay for it but then it could also help reduce other taxes as well which is very, very good for those small businessman as we know we’re always trying to help them to save money on their taxes through various means on this program. Now, that $1,500 you’re talking about though, is that just a one time or is that would that be like an annual fee or anything in that?

David Steckelberg: Each year you pay $1,500, but each year you re-enrolled to keep them accessible you get the tax credit.

Marcelino: So, unlike some tax credits that like because it does provide tax credits, you get tax credits for accessibility to the disabled for various improvements you make on your buildings and other areas so that they have accessibility or to improve your bathrooms which those are usually big but they usually one time credits.

David Steckelberg: Yes. This would be annual.

Marcelino: This credit though, so each year you pay the 1500 you get your tax credit back so essentially for the small business person when you file your tax return basically, you’re getting it back. So basically, in the end it comes out pretty much no cost, tax wise and you can even maybe come out a little bit ahead.

David Steckelberg: That is correct.

Marcelino: So I look at this as a win-win for small businesses because there’s so many challenge are having to experience today because of circumstances and the last thing we need or any small business needs is they’re struggling and that’s the only way some small business are doing business right now is through their websites online because of just circumstances in their state’s or the requirements in their state so they’re shipping stuff out. They don’t need this type of worry and they don’t need this type of concern coming back?

Or even be have to be worried about it because they’re already trying to struggle then to get a letter saying oh, by the way your website is accessible, because to the blind. Now, because of this wanting to settle for these 1000s of dollars and if you don’t, we’re going to sue you, and then business just can’t do that so we make it real simple here with this.

David Steckelberg: Certain from my readings. It appears that disabled people find a website that’s easy for them to use, serve their purpose. Now you have a loyal customer. Because he knows he can get what he wants there. They know how to use it. Keep coming back, keep coming back as long as you take good care of him and there’s a lot of disabled people in this country.

Marcelino: Yeah, yeah, there’s a lot of disabled, and we want to serve them and we would be wise to serve them and to help them. And so as we look at this, we’ve talked about the challenge. We’ve talked about how we can fix it. And then of course the tax benefit that you can get as a business to do it, getting your tax credit. And now, we’re at the point where we’ve made our network website accessible. We’ve basically opened up a whole new set of potential clients and customers for us as well.

David Steckelberg: There’s an excess of 7 million blind in the US today, but there’s far more people that are visually impaired, or have declining eyesight, becoming more and more difficult them to read a screen. So, it’s growing population, it’s just difficult for them to do all their purchasing online.

Marcelino: And those people are consumers, just as anybody else is. And so that’s an additional benefit or additional help to a small business and to their bottom line, you got to find customers wherever you can. And so a little bit of investment in this to initially get started. Get the tax benefit, and then you have a whole another client base, which like, like in my own business, um, that’s why I do this programs, because I want to talk, I want to do I want to do taxes for anybody that’s doing a US tax return.

And so, and the same as this. And so the same as small businesses, I mean, you want to reach out to as many people as you can, this gives you a whole another clientele to possibly reach in you might in your, in whatever your particular business is. I mean, you could get some good loyal customers, because they may not have access to other sites, because some people and I know I’ll be coming this way is I’ve kind of, I’ve tried to go away from some of the large online marketplaces.

I will call them. I’m not going to mention any by name, but large online marketplaces, and look for a small business website. And for me, I look at it like I want to benefit just that small business, if I can, maybe pay a little bit more, if I put if I get a good quality stuff. But one thing I know when I pay that to that small business, they get all of that. Unlike these marketplaces, online, that they take a small percentage, but they still take a percentage.

David Steckelberg: That’s exactly right.

Marcelino: And so, if I can help small businesses do that, it’s like I, I’ll just say I just I ordered some socks the other day, instead of looking at one of the online marketplace, I just kind of did a search online for some socks and they found this neat little place. It looks like they got some good quality stuff. So you know, and I haven’t seen them yet. But of course, they look very nice online. So hopefully they’ll turn out as good as look. But that I mean, that’s what I’m personally looking for. And that’s what we want all small businesses to be able to do. Because I don’t know how many blind people would ever make a sharp shop these marketplaces, but if you can make your individual website more accessible, that could be more money into your pocket right there because you’re not posting stuff on these online marketplaces and you’re marketing to these crowd, let me see your marketing to them.

Open up your website to them, you get a tax credit for opening it up to them. And you’re doing quite a bit there, so you’re doing quite a bit for reaching out to a whole new clientele there which is beautiful, which is what we all want is more clients and customers, people are going to need them, people are struggling now. Small business is struggling now in these circumstances, but we do know that some government, the government may put out more stimulus, who knows. Let’s wait and see.

But, what we do know is that people still need access. And some people are still out spending money and so we want to help them, and certainly this program will help them to be able to do that now. In fact I was so excited when I first talked to David about this, that this is going to become part of what I’m going to talk to my clients about and which is why I’m having it on this program is just for the fact that I want to talk to people about this.

David Steckelberg: Thank you, appreciate that.

Marcelino: And so, part of my services is gonna be to just even become, I’m not going to become as familiar with you, and David of course, because you’ve been doing this for years, but I’m going to study it more and, I want to work with you on this, so we can help more people and get this podcast out there and share some people know about this and part of my business and part of my websites going to talk about this and so I can help people so they can whether they go to

Of course, they get all information there but also through my website I’m going to be talking about it there, I don’t have it there yet, but we’re going to be talking about it’s going to be part of my offerings as well to share this because I feel this is so important for all small businesses to do in the region.

David Steckelberg: Just search the internet website accessibility for the blind or just website accessibility. And there will be more information out there than they’ll ever want to read. It’s been covered heavily by the Wall Street Journal, LA Time, New York Times, so forth. The major newspapers have covered these problems and articles regarding it.

Marcelino: They definitely have their, but we’re gonna find out that the problem is there, but I don’t know how many of those articles that you cited offer what the solution is other than some of these other expensive options, but, we’ve found a way.

David Steckelberg: Assuming the other at least there’s something, there’s other people out there trying to solve this problem, I just take a little different approach so, I’m not alone in business.

Marcelino: Oh, I’m sure it is there’s. I’m sure you’re not, but there’s others out there and others going differently.

David Steckelberg: I want to pass to your listeners that at all costs they should try to avoid federal lawsuit against their business, I mean the distraction for your business. The time away the costs, that Attorney fees and so forth. You’re much better to get ahead of this problem, than to wait until it comes around and bite you strongly encourage that.

Marcelino: Okay, yeah that’s definitely what we want them to be able to do there. Do we have much more to cover here David? Do we think we got it well covered there?

David Steckelberg: I think we covered pretty much this pertinent points here.

Marcelino: Okay, yeah, good, good, because as it looks like I thought maybe we did but I wanted to make sure we didn’t miss anything, but I’m going to go ahead and take a break. I’ll go ahead and let you go, David, I really appreciate your time today in covering this.

David Steckelberg: Thank you. Thank you for the opportunity.

Marcelino: And we want to share this podcast, as much as we can with everyone so the thing come to know how they can address this issue and make sure their websites get accessible for the blind, so you have a good there David, I appreciate your time today.

David Steckelberg: You’re welcome!

Marcelino: And I appreciate everybody’s time we’ll be back in a couple minutes here on The Voice America Business Channel.

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Are you wanting to grow wealth faster, save time and build the next egg? Hire a tax pro who makes you money and does more than just file your tax return? Marcelino Dodge of Cash Tracks Financial identifies your key numbers, works year-round to improve your numbers, and keeps you compliant and helps you achieve goals faster. Call Marcelino Dodge today, 719-336-8739 to schedule your free tax strategy review. Call 336-8739 or visit

Many people want to build wealth or grow their business faster, but do not know what specific numbers to look at that actually helped build monthly cash flow. Hire a tax pro who makes you money and does more than just file your tax return. Marcelino Dodge of Cash Tracks Financial identifies your key numbers, works a year-round to improve your numbers, keeps you compliant and helps you achieve goals faster. Schedule your free tax strategy review by calling 719-336-8739 or visit

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When it comes to business, you’ll find the experts here. Voice America Business Network.

This is The Tax Answers Advisor with host, Marcelino Dodge. To reach our program today, please call in the number is 1-866-472-5790. That’s 1-866-472-5790. You may also send an email to Now, back to The Tax Answers Advisor.

Marcelino: Welcome back to The Tax Answers Advisor. This is Marcelino Dodge, appreciate you tuning into this program today where we have covered a very, very vital topic about website compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act appearance, focusing particularly on accessibility to the blind. I really appreciate David Steckel being with me, Stechelberg, I’m sorry it’s David Steckelberg being with me today on this because he’s working with the organization, which is helping small businesses to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act because there’s a string of lawsuits against small businesses, for not having accessibility to the blind on their websites.

And this is a huge, this is an ongoing issue. Now it is always encouraged as David mentioned ones to check with their website developer, see what they can do to get it accessible to the blind. And of course, the program that he developed that we’re also going to be sharing and discussing with people through the, which helps businesses to have their websites into compliance with the ADA so that the lawsuits, can be avoided, as well as opening up your business to even more potential customers and clients.

Now also with this, as with many of the issues, or many of the improvements ones due to their businesses to make sure they’re accessible to the blind, is that you get a tax credit. When you enroll in this program to have your website be accessible to the blind, and with the $1500 a year, you would get that tax credit, each year, which is why we discussed it on this program today’s because you can get a tax credit for doing this and setting up your website and making sure your website is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. And such items as this is what we’re looking at today, with the accessibility of our websites to the blind.

What we’re looking at in our whole planning process here at Cash Tracks Financial when we look at an individual or in this particular we’re looking at business, small business goals because we work with small businesses of all types, whether they’re a sole-proprietorship, an S-Corporation, a C-Corporation, a Partnership, and LLC. And you’re a business that has a website this is now going to become one of the questions we discuss in our exploratory process with our clients is, is your website accessible to the blind, do you know if your website’s accessible to the blind?

And then we can help you to solve that issue. Among the many goals as part of our intelligence solutions program that we offer here. We do want to help businesses in particular we’re focusing today to have solutions based on their goals, and of course a goal of a business is to reach as many clients and customers as possible in this time period that we are in. Where so many people are having to work from home or you’re offering products, you’re offering services, you’re having to work from home, your goal is to win your big goals of course is to reach as many people as you possibly can.

And by opening up and having your website compliant and then readable by these readers that the blind use to have internet access is just another indicator of how your business can make more money, even in these times as you’re reaching out to a whole new group of people. And as David mentioned, see it’s not just the blind but there’s also others who are getting more visually impaired and who have difficulty reading a screen.

And it’s a growing population. So again, it’s a wise move to make. And as we do that here, we work with you to help to establish that with your website and so on as well as we’re going to work together with David. And the program, so that if your website designer has a way to do it, and they can do it cost effective within your budget. We certainly encourage you to do that. But if, if it’s not cost effective for you.

We have this alternative that you can certainly use to be able to do that and have your website compliant and then have the tax credit as well we really see the importance of it and the vital of it to help our clients and to help you as a small business, not to have to deal with notice letters and so on. With these lawsuits that just keep popping up all over this all over the country, and then even as he cited in the State of California.

Adding insult to injury, then you could possibly even have fines from the state as well for not having a compliant website so you could be dealing with 10s of $1,000. And for a $1500 a year investment plus a tax credit, which then basically covered it so it’s almost like zero cost to you. You can be fully compliant and not have any of those worries and have all of that done, and you can just focus on taking care of business.

And so yes we help you. And this is one of the solutions that we help with here Cash Tracks Financial. Yes, you can contact us at 844-394-4287, and email me at because as we look for solutions everybody’s looking for solutions to help, help you reach your goals. Because as we know there’s goals out there, there’s apps out there to help you to do this, but yet still the personal touch is very important, which is why we schedule web meetings with individuals to be able to do see them face to face through like a Zoom meeting so that we can discuss with you, help you to establish your goals.

Get to know your finances, your business finances, your personal finances, to gather all that key data, get it all in one place, then we look at threats, we analyze any threats that you have, maybe it’s a little help on insurance, maybe you need little life insurance or other types of insurance maybe disability type insurance, other types of insurance just to know what some of these threats that you have are, and then help to clearly establish goals.

Yes, as we establish those goals and where you want to be three months from now, six months from now, a year from now, five years from now, just develop those and be able to have you to do that and then as a whole part of the process, have you have priority items, and then have an action plan that we implement, help you to implement so that you can reach your goals and reach them faster, which is what everybody wants to do is to reach their goals and reach them so much faster.

And, as well as work year around, see that’s what makes, makes me here Marcelino Dodge, and Cash Tracks Financial different than many tax preparation places, and many accounting offices, is that we’re available year around for our clients. And when you enroll in our one of our packages, either personal or business success packages, you have access to me, year-round. Our office is open year-round is not just opened during the busy tax time but it’s open year-round, so that you can easily get your tax work done, and when you enroll in one of our programs, business, or individual success programs, then you have access to the team, year around and you’re able to get your work done.

If you get any of those IRS letters which nobody likes to get an IRS letter, but yet we help you to solve those issues help you to do all of the appropriate planning. Also there, so please keep this in mind as we look at this. And as we think about the upcoming tax season we’ve discussed in the prior show about the importance of wisely picking your tax preparer, we certainly encourage you to look at that, or to listen to that podcast and see many the important qualities you need to see because you just can’t use anybody. And as we think about the times coming up February 12th for the beginning of tax season. It’s important also with that to keep in mind that there’s tax returns, especially ones that have the earned income tax credit and the additional child tax credit on it.

Many of those refunds are not even planned to be issued out until early March, be from that goes back from the path act where those delays are in there. So just, just be aware that those aren’t going to quite run as quickly as we were accustomed to in the past, so that extra delay is going to be there. So keep that in mind, as well even with tax season beginning late. Now it’s going to be interesting to see how this goes because I’ve never had a tax season begin so late and in my 20 plus years of doing taxes, but we’ll see how it goes because at least currently April 15th is still the day the tax returns are due.

Now, as Cash Tracks Financial here, we’re very aware of all the concerns individuals have, and we’re certainly looking to help ones through various online means. Yes, we have precautions in place but yet we expect to see a lot of people and we certainly welcome once to either call the office that’s, 844-394-4287 you can call the office. We can schedule an online appointment, very easily.

To help you to do that and get some basic information, we can set you up a web portal, so you can put all of your documents into the web portal so that you can easily have them accessible and then we can easily access them. We need things like IDs uploaded as well. And what’s really nice is that we can prepare your tax return, we can have a face to face, through an online chat, which is what I would love to do and I like doing that.

I like visiting with my clients, getting to know them, not just what the paperwork says but getting to know them a little bit more. And then what we do is we can get the tax return, we have e-signature options, which allows us to send a secure email to you, to be able to sign your tax return, and other documents that are available, so that you can get them back, and we can get your tax return electronically filed.

We have online payment options, which is really nice because many people want no touch options we have those available we can invoice send you the invoice right through the email you can pay it directly on our website or you can just respond to that email that we send it has the amount put in your credit card or your bank account information, whatever you want to use. We never see the information when you do it that way, which is, frankly, a way that I love it that keeps your information as secure as possible and then you have a full electronic copy of your tax return available in our web portal for you, it’s secure. And we use double authentication on it so that does not just a password, but we also have to do app through our phone to access the portal so we really try, we really work to keep that secure as well as other means we take within the office from items such as drive encryption, as well as all of the hard drives on the computer so that everyone’s information is kept completely safe.

And we certainly welcome you to and invite you to just call and visit with us, learn about our programs do our mutual exploration CFR, personal or business success programs would be right for you, which many people they will because we look at numbers, we help set goals and we want you to be successful as we look at your key data. So we’re going to go ahead and again, express our gratitude to David Steckelberg, for being with us today on The Tax Answers Advisor.

He gave us some wonderful information on the importance of having your website compliant with the ADA, as well as not just seeing that it needs to be done, but also having a solution, and Cash Tracks Financial is here to help you with that solution as well. You can visit us, or call 844-394-4287. Next week, we’re going to look forward to speaking to you again, as we’re going to talk this time about, “Protect yourself from the Drought! Taxes for Farmers.”

Would be very timely, next week we’ll look forward to visiting with you at 9am Pacific. Thanks for listening to The Tax Answers Advisor, I am Marcelino Dodge on the Voice America Business Channel.

Thank you for listening to The Tax Answers Advisor with host, Marcelino Dodge. We’ll be back again next Thursday at 12 noon Eastern time, and 9am Pacific time, on The Voice America Business Channel. We’ll have more to share next week.

Cash Tracks Financial Inc.
117 W Beech St
Lamar, CO 81052
Office:(719) 336-8739
Toll Free: (844) 394-4287
Fax: (719) 336-8799


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Contact Us

When you need help to prepare your tax return or to solve your tax issues contact Cash Tracks Financial Inc., serving Lamar, Colorado and Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Lamar CALL: (719) 336-8739 TOLL FREE: (844) 394-4287 FAX: (719) 336-8799

117 W Beech St, Lamar, CO 81052, USA

Colorado Springs CALL: (719) 359-8789 TOLL FREE: (844) 394-4287 FAX: (719) 336-8799

525 N Cascade Ave, #200, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 USA

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